Daily Archives: May 11, 2009

తెలుగు విశ్వ విద్యాలయం నిఘంటువు (Telugu-Telugu Dictionary)

తెలుగు నిఘంటువు (PDF)


Filed under నిఘంటువు

Why does this exist?

I have been a Telugu Literature, albeit lazy enthusiast for years reading books on literature and collecting Telugu material in digital form. I posted few Telugu documents to Scribd under the pseudonym Krithi and they have been quite popular in terms of views and downloads.

I was quite shocked when Google returned a website that claims to contain Telugu erotic literature (boothu sahithyam) as the top link when I searched for “Telugu Literature”. Google’s page ranking failed miserably in raking websites based on semantics when there are so many other nice web pages.

Telugu Literature Google Search

So..here I am trying to shred some of that laziness..


Filed under Uncategorized